Nafasi za kazi | 20 Job Opportunities At TADEPA
Nafasi Za Kazi TADEPA, 20 Job Opportunities At TADEPA, TADEPA Tanzania, Ajira Mpya TADEPA, Kazi TADEPA
Information about TADEPATanzania Development and AIDS Prevention Association (TADEPA) is a Tanzanian Non-
governmental organization (NGO) currently offices in Kagera, Geita, Shinyanga and Dodomaregions. Was formed and registered in 1997 and acquired mandated to work in all regions of Tanzania mainland. The main purpose of TADEPA is to promote development in totality through and fight against public problems HIV/AIDS and its integrated effects.
TADEPA’s Vision: Healthy, Wealthy and Just Community TADEPA’s Mission is committed to empower the community to improve their livelihood through active participation in protection of human rights, conservation of environment and promotion of societal socio-economic stance.
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Tanzania Development and AIDS Association (TADEPA)
P.O. BOX 1603
Tel/Fax +255-28-2221000,+255784666727
29th, 08, 2019
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