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Mom, 25, horrified and refuses to breastfeed her baby who looks like ALIEN (photos, video)

- Indians are in shock as woman gives birth to alien-looking child and completely refuses to give the baby breast milk

- The baby, born with a rare deformity, scared the hell out of her parents who now insist the little girl is cursed

- And now the doctors are warning the young parents to pull themselves together and treat the little girl with some love

A 25-year-old Indian mother from Banshghat in Chakiya district has completely refused to breastfeed her little baby girl because she looks like alien.

The Indian baby born with body and skin deformity.

Priyanka Kumari, a first time mother, gave birth to a baby with an extremely rare skin and body deformity.

The baby has a huge growth on her head. She is also covered in a hardened shell of skin and has bulging eyes.

"I never thought in my life that I will ever go through such trauma in my life. This baby girl is not normal. She is cursed," said the horrified mother as she sorrowfully stared at the kid.

Priyanka Kumari and her new born baby girl.

The birth of the strange baby, who is yet to receive her name, sent shock-waves across India as curious neighbours dashed to Chakiya district to witness for themselves what Kumari had brought home.

Kumari's husband, Balindra Mahto, a 34-year-old farm labourer, is yet to recover from the shock of his life. He has been running up and down trying to figure out what may have gone wrong with their first ever child.

"I am totally confused. I don't know what to do. Right now I am just following the instructions of the doctors at the hospital," he says.

Kumari is carrying her deformed little girl, but refuses to breastfeed her.

According to doctors, the baby is suffering from Harlequin Ichthyosis, a rare genetic condition that occurs due to malnutrition and causes thickening of the skin and deformities.

"The mother is in good health condition , but the same cannot be said about the baby," says Dr Rajan Sinha, one of the health physicians hadnling the baby, adding that in such cases, the probability of survival is one in a million.

Kumari holding her baby.

Just like the parents, some members of the public also believe that the baby is cursed and that she could be an incarnation of a Hindu god. Some have since sent their prayers to the troubled family.

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