New Job At D-tree International, Zanzibar
Nafasi Za Kazi D-tree International, Jobs D-tree International, Ajira Zanzibar, Ajira Tanzania, Careers At D-tree International, Kazi Mpya D-tree International
D-tree International is a mission-driven digital global health organization committed to transforming health systems and improving health outcomes in low and middle-income countries by integrating innovative, and cutting-edge digital technology solutions into health systems. For nearly 15 years, D-tree has been a pioneer in the field of digital health and has supported health workers serving over 5 million families in 16 countries globally. Program evaluations have demonstrated improved heath impact through D-tree’s digital programs, including 50% increase in facility delivery rates, four-fold increase in postpartum follow-up, 70% increase in contraceptive prevalence rates and 15-fold improvements in health worker performance. D-tree has been recognized with international awards in mobile health, including 2 Savings Lives at Birth Awards, 2 GSMA Global Mobile Awards and an Innovation Working Group award. We currently have active projects in Zanzibar, Mainland Tanzania, Malawi, Ethiopia, Zambia, and Thailand. At D-tree we maintain a lean headquarters team and put our local teams at the center of our work. We seek to empower local colleagues, including national staff, government, and partners to lead program strategy development and implementation.
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