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Launch of 13th Economic Update on Human Capital in Uganda by the World Bank

The Main Administration Building, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda as seen from the Freedom Square. Makerere will host the launch of 13th Economic Update on Human Capital in Uganda.

The World Bank in collaboration with the School of Economics, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) will launch the 13th Economic Update on Thursday, 30 May 2019 in the Makerere University Main Hall starting 9 am to 12 pm. This is one of the series of biannual updates on Uganda's Economy that takes stock of the recent developments and provides an outlook for the economy.

The theme for this edition of the Economic Update is "Economic Development and Human Capital in Uganda: A Case for Investing more in Education."

It underscores the importance of increasing investments in education to develop Uganda’s human capital and support economic growth.  The report also provides an assessment of the education sector’s performance and suggests policy measures that are needed to improve learning, while expanding access to basic education for all.

The theme of the 13th Economic update is highly relevant to Makerere University and the education sector in general. Against this background, you are kindly requested to reserve the date and time and attend the launch in person.

For more information please contact;

Dr. Edward Bbaale,
Dean, School of Economics,
College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS),
Makerere University,
Email: deanecon[at]bams.mak.ac.ug

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