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Invitation to the Kwamena Esslifie Adjaye Memorial Lecture

Members of the University community are hereby invited to Kwamena Esslifie Adjaye Memorial Lecture being organized by the Ghana growth and Development Platform as follows:

Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2019,

Time: 5:00 pm

Venue: International House (Seminar Room), University of Ghana

Topic: Ghana’s Growth and Development Achievements since Independence

Speaker: Professor Augustin K. Fosu (Institute of Social and Statistical and Economic Research, University of Ghana)

All are cordially invited


Two years ago, Ghana turned 60 years. What is its record of growth and development achievements? The current lecture, first, contrasts the economic outcomes between the pre- and post-reform periods. Second, it projects the importance of governance in sustaining the economic development record. Third, for continued sustained growth and development, the lecture flags challenges associated with: Ghana’s internal and external imbalances, debt accumulation, and the current trends in institutional quality.


Fosu, A. K. (2013), “Country Role Models for Development Success: The Case of Ghana,” in A. K. Fosu, ed., Achieving Development Success: Strategies and Lessons from the Developing World, Oxford: Oxford University Press, chapter 13, pp. 265-283; working paper version: https://www.wider.unu.edu/sites/default/files/RP2009-42.pdf

Biographical Feature of the Speaker:

Augustin Kwasi FOSU is Professor, ISSER, University of Ghana, Legon. He teaches MPhil and PhD courses at both ISSER and the Department of Economics. He also holds several other (honorary) appointments, including: Extraordinary Professor, University of Pretoria, South Africa; and Research Associate (CSAE), University of Oxford. Previously he was Deputy Director, United Nations University-WIDER, Helsinki, Finland; Senior Policy Advisor/Chief Economist, UN ECA, Addis Ababa; and Director of Research, African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi. He holds master’s and PhD degrees in economics from Northwestern University, USA, and a bachelor’s with distinction in both mathematics and economics from Lawrence University, USA. He taught for many years in the USA, with promotion to Associate Professor and Professor of Economics in 1986 and 1993, respectively. Among his editorial responsibilities are: Editor-in-Chief, Journal of African Trade (Elsevier), Co-Managing Editor, Journal of African Economies (Oxford), and membership on the editorial boards of many other journals, including: Journal of Development Studies, Oxford Development Studies, World Bank Economic Review, and World Development.

Prof. Fosu has extensive publications, ranking him among top economists globally:  https://ideas.repec.org/coupe.html,  and is currently listed among ‘top 6% authors’ worldwide and ‘top 1% authors’ in Africa:  (http://ideas.repec.org/top/top.africa.html#authors.  Recently, he received the Elsevier Atlas Award for his article, “Growth, Inequality, and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries: Recent Global Evidence,” Research in Economics, 2017, 71(2): 306–336: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/research-in-economics/news/augustin-kwasi-fosus-article-nominated-atlas-award.

Prof. Fosu has advised numerous international organizations. Locally, inter alia, he served on the President’s Economic Advisory Council in 2012, and is currently on the President’s Fiscal Responsibility Advisory Council.

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