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Call for Research Proposals: Scaling-up of evidence-based interventions at the population level for the prevention or management of hypertension and/or diabetes

Call for Research Proposals: Scaling-up of evidence-based interventions at the population level for the prevention or management of hypertension and/or diabetes

Call Focus : mplementation Science Research
Deadline date : Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Proposals must focus on scalable interventions at the population level for hypertension and/or diabetes prevention or detection and management in LMIC, and/or in vulnerable populations in HIC. Proposals addressing the concurrence of hypertension and diabetes are encouraged as well as those addressing the underlying risk factors of both conditions.

Proposals must align with commitments or planned commitments at a regional or national level to implement evidence-based interventions (including evidence of cost-effectiveness and affordability) across health or other sectors (e.g. education, information technology).  In addition to a broad geographic scope, proposals are expected to ensure scale-up covers diverse populations with consideration given to: geography (remote, rural, urban); demographic mix (gender, age, ethnicity); community readiness for intervention; political environment; and/or other relevant criteria.

South African Medical Research Council

The mandate of the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) is legislated in terms of the SAMRC Act 58, 1991 (as amended): ‘the objects of the SAMRC are, through research, development and technology transfer, to promote the improvement of the health and quality of life of the population of the Republic, and to perform such functions as maybe assigned to the SAMRC by or under this Act’. The SAMRC’s research mandate is guided by the SAMRC Act, the country’s health needs and priorities.  SAMRC research aims to promote the improvement of the health and quality of life of all who live in South Africa. In this regard, the SAMRC works with the Department of Health, the Department of Science & Technology, Medical Schools, Universities, research institutes and international collaborators.

Assessment Criteria

The SAMRC has a one-step submission and review process.

Applications for grants will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Relevance and Quality of Project
  • Quality of Team
  • Project Implementation Plans
  • Potential Impact


The South African PI(s) and the co-PI’s who wish to apply for funding should submit budget as per call details. No other funding can be combined with the GACD call. If the PI leaves the service from his/her Institution he must immediately inform the GACD secretariat and SAMRC.

The budgets of the applications should be realistic and ensure that the potential outcomes of the projects could be reached within the proposed timelines. The period of funding will not exceed 3 years. The number of projects to be funded and the total amount requested per application will be determined by its scientific merit as assessed by the GACD expert review panel.


South African applicants should have a South African identity number and in a permanent working position at a South African Institution.

It is advisable that the South African PI(s) include co-investigators from his/her own Institution. If the PI for one or other reason cannot complete the study the co-investigator can step-in to complete the study within the timelines agreed to.

Process of Applying

The SAMRC application(s) is a one step process. The deadline for submission as indicate below.


Please download the full Request for Proposals.
The applicants must adhere to the timelines.

Deadline for full application: Wednesday, 24 April 2019.

Contact details
Enquiries and submissions should be directed to the following e-mail address: samrcgacd@mrc.ac.za

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