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Meet world's oldest man at 145-years (photos/video)

Indonesian officials have revealed the picture of the world’s oldest man, Mbah Gotho who is believed to be 145-years-old and claims he is ready to die.
World's oldest man who is believed to be 145-years-old
According to his documentation, Gotho was born on December 31, 1870 and has outlived all 10 of his siblings as well as his four wives, the last of who died in 1988. He was further reported that, he has outlived all his children but survives under the care if his grandchildren.

UK Mirror in an interview with the super-senior citizen from Sragen, Central Java said that he has been through it all and would not mind passing on saying: "What I want is to die. My grandchildren are all independent." Also when asked what his secret to long life was, he said: “The recipe is just patience.”

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